Policies and Procedures Handbook

Last Updated: 5/18/2005
Garrett County Public Schools
40 South Second Street
Oakland, MD 21550


Administrative Procedure


In order to complete supervisory responsibilities in a consistent fashion and in accordance with appropriate state law, contractual provisions, and other policies and procedures, it is necessary to clearly establish a timetable for the completion of evaluations to ensure that supporting services personnel are evaluated fairly as well as regularly.

In that both school-based and non-school based supervisory personnel have evaluation responsibilities, it is incumbent upon each supervisor having evaluation responsibilities to notify the appropriate central office administrator if a staff member is being considered for probation or dismissal due to less than satisfactory performance. Form A is to be used for this purpose. Any school-based instructional/media assistants and secretaries so considered should be reported to the appropriate Instructional Director and the Assistant Superintendent. Any custodial personnel so considered should be reported to the Director of Facilities, Maintenance and Operations. Any food service personnel so considered should be reported to the Food and Nutrition Service Program Manager. In the case of non-school based staff the table of organization will control to whom the personnel should be reported. Should such action be considered, it is necessary that:

    1. Notification be sent to the staff member involved (Form B format);
     2. The need for action be supported by documentation; and
    3. Assistance and thorough monitoring of the staff member's performance be completed prior to the May 1 evaluation deadline.

School-based principals should work with the central office administrator noted above in regard to any staff member being considered for less than satisfactory performance. Upon the completion of the evaluation it will be necessary that the appropriate supervisor(s) forward to the Superintendent a final recommendation concerning any staff member recommended for probation or dismissal (Form C is to be used). For those supporting services staff employed after January 1 notification to the appropriate administrator and the staff member involved is to be made by the end of the original probationary period with the annual evaluation report to be completed by June 1.

After further administrative review appropriate recommendations will be made by the Superintendent to the Board of Education, with any final action being taken by the Public Schools, if necessary.

The individual(s) noted have been notified of our concern and we will be monitoring the performance of the individual(s) closely within the next few months in order to make a final recommendation to you by April 1.


In accordance with Public Schools Policy 637 Evaluation of Supporting Services Employees the guidelines listed below are to be used in the evaluation of supportive services personnel.


It should be understood that the evaluation is intended to serve a two-fold function: (1) to provide the employee an opportunity to regularly assess his own strengths and weaknesses, and (2) to provide the employer a way of evaluating the work performance of each individual. Satisfactory performance of assigned duties and responsibilities is expected of every employee. An unsatisfactory rating indicates the need for corrective action, disciplinary action, or dismissal. Performance above the satisfactory level should be noted in the space provided for "Evaluator's Comments."


A formal evaluation form must be completed at the conclusion of the three-month probationary period for each new employee. In addition, informal evaluation or a formal evaluation, when necessary, is encouraged during the probationary period.

Individuals employed on a permanent status must be evaluated a minimum of once per year. The required annual evaluation form must be completed and filed in the employee's personnel file by May 1 of each school year (copies to be maintained in the office of the evaluator and the central office). Supplemental, probationary, or other evaluations can be completed as deemed necessary by the evaluator. If completed, a copy of these should be forwarded to the Personnel Office to be placed in the employee's personnel file.


When needed an Improvement Plan will be developed. Input in developing an Improvement Plan will be given by the evaluators, employee, and other appropriate staff.

Supportive services personnel shall be evaluated by the following evaluators with input from appropriate staff:

Subsequent to the evaluation, the evaluator(s) will hold a conference with the employee to discuss the formal evaluation form.  Discussion should include such topics as superior performance, job strengths, progress made by the employee, goals for improvement, etc.

At the conclusion of the evaluation conference, the employee should sign the form and make any written comments. It should be noted that endorsement of the form is only verification of the employee's review of the report and does not necessarily indicate agreement with the evaluation. The employee shall receive a copy of the evaluation report.


Employees will be evaluated using the supportive services evaluation criteria sheet as a general guide. The descriptions under each category are limited and are only intended to serve as a way of looking at employee performance in a differentiated fashion. Rating an employee in a particular category, therefore, will not mean that the employee completely fills the brief description given. Performance above the satisfactory level may be noted in the space provided for comments.

Staff Being Considered For Appropriate Personnel Action Form A

Evaluator Consideration Form, Form B

Final Recommendation Concerning Personnel Form C

Support Services Personnel Evaluation Form

Support Services Personnel Evaluation Criteria Sheet

Improvement Plan

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Supportive Services Personnel 637.1 HML
Adopted 8/24/87
Revised 7/11/95, 8/8/00, 8/14/01 ELF