Policies and Procedures Handbook

Last Updated: 4/7/2005
Garrett County Public Schools
40 South Second Street
Oakland, MD 21550


Board Policy

  1. Rationale

  2. The Garrett County Board of Education, as the governing body of the school system, is ultimately responsible for the approval of county-wide text/media. All text/media should reinforce the Goals of the Garrett County Public Schools and thereby:

    Persons involved in the selection of countywide text/media shall be free to select a wide variety of materials which prepare students to meet the diversity of experiences they shall have in life and which prepare them to think critically and objectively about issues which shall confront them.


  3. Responsibility

  4. The Garrett County Board of Education is legally responsible for all matters relating to the operations of Garrett County Public Schools, including the adoption of text/media.

    The responsibility for the selection of text/media is delegated to the professionally trained personnel – principals, teachers, supervisors, directors, and media specialists employed by the school system. Students and parents will have the opportunity to provide input prior to adoption by the Board.

    The responsibility for coordinating the selection of text/media and making recommendations for purchase rests with administrative and supervisory personnel at the appropriate levels.


  5. Objectives of Selection of Text/Media

  6. The primary objective of selection of county-wide text/media is to implement, enrich, and support the educational programs in the schools. It is the schools' obligation to provide a wide range of materials on all levels of difficulty, with a diversity of appeal, and with a presentation of different points of view.

    Integral to this objective, the selection procedure intends:

     Text/media materials shall be selected so that teachers are enabled to reinforce the benefits of fundamental American principles such as:

  7. Criteria for the Selection of Text/Media

  8. Criteria for the selection of all text/media are both general and specific in terms of the needs of each school community. Text/media shall be selected to implement, enrich, and support the educational programs of the schools.

    Suggested guidelines for selection – Text/media shall be:

    As appropriate for the course and the level of instruction, those who select text/media are encouraged to recommend materials which include the following:

    Supplemental materials, as needed and appropriate, shall be selected to provide the above resources.


  9. Procedures for Selection of Text/Media

  10. In selecting text/media for purchase, a Committee chaired by the instructional supervisor/director and consisting of teachers and administrators, as appropriate, will evaluate existing text/media; consult reputable, professionally-prepared selection aids; and seek advice from other professionals. Suggestions and comments from parents and students may be included in the process. Garrett County Public Schools members will be made aware of committee meetings and thus will be invited to participate.

    Text/media, including all materials under the purview of The Health Advisory Committee, recommended for adoption will be presented to the Board at one of its regular meetings. Prior to said recommendation of text/media for adoption, the committee shall place those final text/media materials being considered on public display at the Public Schools office for a minimum of two (2) weeks for examination and comments by parents, students, and the general public.  Said committee will meet to review and consider the comments in making final recommendations to the Board for adoption.  The Board will take these proposals under advisement at its next regular meeting and act upon the recommendation at the following month's meeting.  A public notice of this display will be released to the media. The public comments along with the committee's reactions will be shared with the Board.  Final approval rests with the Board.

    Text/media referred to in this policy are those which are approved at the county level to provide basic support for the implementation of programs of study.

    Any request for bid, request for proposal, and local guidelines for the selection and evaluation of technology-based instructional materials including instructional software, on-line resources, and computer-based equipment used by students must include the requirements governing equivalent access consistent with Subpart B, Technical Standards, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.  Furthermore, all technology-based instructional products that are purchased must provide equivalent access features for students with disabilities unless doing so would fundamentally alter the nature of the instructional activity, result in undue financial and administrative burden on the Public Schools, or not meet other specifications.  If a technology-based instructional product is purchased that does not have equivalent access features, then an alternative method of instruction must be implemented to enable a student with a disability to access the general curriculum and meet the student's IEP goals and objectives as specified in COMAR 13A.05.01.09A.  Principals and teachers reviewing, selecting, and/or purchasing technology-based instructional products may request assistance from Resource Center staff to insure that the products meet equivalent access requirements.*

         Textbooks shall be purchased only from those publishers that agree to provide upon request:

    The formatted digital files described shall be encoded in text suitable for conversion into Braille or synthesized speech; and prepared using a markup language that: maintains the structural integrity of the information and can be processed by Braille translation software.**

    School-selected supplementary materials and gift materials must meet the objectives stated in Section III, and the criteria set forth in Section IV., above.  Challenges concerning these materials also would follow the process outlined in Section VI., below.

VI.  Challenged Text/Media

   Occasional objections to adopted text/media may be made by the public. If a complaint arises, the procedure for challenging text/media is as follows:

  1. The teacher and/or the principal will request the complainant to file objections in writing on the form "Request for Reconsideration of Text/Media",
  2. The principal of the school involved will receive the "Request for Reconsideration of Text/Media" from the complainant,
  3. The principal of the school involved and the appropriate teacher will attempt to resolve the objection through a conference with the complainant,
  4. If the complaint is unresolved, the principal will refer the matter to the local school "Media Complaint Review" Committee outlined in Board Policy 347.32, Part A., to take action on the complaint and, hopefully, arrive at a solution.

  5. If the local school review committee does not resolve the complaint, a further appeal may be made by the complainant to the Garrett County Media Complaint Review Committee outlined in Board Policy 347.32, Part B. The complainant will file a written request to the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum in order for the Garrett County Media Complaint Review Committee to be convened and review the complaint. Information and the form filed in Step 4 must be forwarded to the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.
  6.  *Source:  COMAR 13A.05.02 Administration of Services for Students with Disabilities

    **Source:  COMAR 13A.06.05.01 School Supplies and Equipment

    Request For Reconsideration of Text/Media  

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Instruction 347.31 AAC
Adopted 8/14/75
 Revised 6/13/85, 6/13/95, 09/10/96, 03/10/98, 05/13/03 BEM