Policies and Procedures Handbook

Last Updated: 03/10/08
Garrett County Public Schools
40 South Second Street
Oakland, MD 21550


Board Policy

General Powers and Duties:

The general responsibility of the county superintendent is to see that the school law, the by-laws, and policies of the State Board of Education and the policies of the county Public Schools are carried into effect.

Specific Responsibilities:

More specifically, the responsibilities of the county superintendent are defined by The Public School Laws of Maryland.  These laws indicate that the county superintendent may administer oaths to witnesses, interpret school law, and resolve controversies and disputes involving the rules, regulations, and policies, subject to appeal to the County Public Schools and State Board of Education.

The superintendent recommends for condemnation school buildings which are unfit for use.  The superintendent recommends all repairs, the purchase or sale of grounds, and all plans for remodeling old buildings.  The superintendent signs all contracts entered into by the Board and nominates for appointment by the Board all certificated and non-certificated employees.  The superintendent assigns positions to all school personnel, transfers them as the needs of the schools require, and suspends or dismisses them for due cause.

The county superintendent is responsible for a program of professional improvement of teachers, for visiting and advising with principals, for evaluating the educational program, for the development of courses of study, and for the purchase of materials and supplies needed by the school system.


The Public Schools maintains an administrative and supervisory staff to assist the superintendent in carrying out his/her duties.  The organization chart depicted on the following page describes the basic line-staff relationships existing within the Garrett County Public Schools.  In order to carry out the functions depicted on the organization chart, the job description for each of the administrative and supervisory positions is on file in the office of the superintendent.

The Principal=s Responsibilities:

The principal is responsible for planning a school program and organizing it so that the school may be efficiently administered.  In organizing a school the principals has responsibility for the following:

    A.     The curriculum offerings.

    B.     The master schedule for teachers and pupils.

    C.     Individual schedules for teachers and pupils.

    D.     Scheduling the responsibilities of all support personnel.

    E.     Assembling and distributing the materials teachers need.

    F.     The intra-school activities program.

            1.      Class organizations.

            2.      Homeroom organizations.

            3.      Student Council.

            4.      Clubs.

            5.      Intramural sports.

            6.      Assemblies.

            7.      Social activities.

    G.     The inter-school activities program.

            1.      Athletics.

            2.      Clubs.

            3.      Other.

    H.     The local school calendar.

    I.       The financial program.

            1.      Activities.

            2.      Athletics.

            3.      Food Service.

            4.      General.

    J.      Ordering, distributing, and accounting for materials of instruction and supplies.

    K.     Opening procedures.

            1.      Pre-school meetings.

                    a.      Orientation to the program.

                    b.      Schedule.

                    c.      Objectives for the year.

                    d.      General school policies.

            2.      Orientation meetings for students.

                    a.      Programs for pupils from feeder schools.

                    b.      Assemblies.

                    c.      Program adjustment.

                    d.      Pupil Accounting.

    L.      Closing Procedures.

            1.      Records and reports

            2.      Return of books, materials, and supplies.

            3.      Storing and filing for the coming year.

            4.      Graduation.


In administering the school the principal has the responsibility in the following areas:


    A.     The Curriculum


            1.      Implementing curricula offerings.

            2.      Utilizing guidance services.

            3.      Providing instructional materials and teaching aids.


    B.     The Staff


            1.      Assisting with the selection of teachers and other personnel such as clerical, custodial, and food services workers.

            2.      Orienting new personnel to school and community.

            3.      Assigning teachers and staff.

            4.      Securing substitute teachers.

            5.      Utilizing effectively the services of count, city, and state staff, such as supervisors, pupil service workers, psychologists, and speech pathologists.


    C.     Student Services


            1.      Initiating and supporting pupil service programs.

            2.      Providing a plan for registration and assignment of pupils.

            3.      Establishing procedures for student records and reports.

            4.      Assisting with major disciplinary problems.

            5.      Safeguarding the health and safety of pupils.


    D.     The School Plant


            1.      Developing a plan and schedule for the upkeep of the building and grounds.

            2.      Utilizing physical facilities effectively to support the instructional program.

            3.      Operating the physical facilities in compliance with all applicable energy, fire, and health guidelines.


    The principal is the prime supervisor in his/her schools.  His/Her supervisory duties include the following:


    A.     The Program of Studies


            1.      Developing philosophy and objectives for the school.

            2.      Correlating various phases of the program.

            3.      Revising and improving subject offerings.

            4.      Articulation of various levels within the program.


    B.     The Staff


            1.      Observing and evaluating teaches and other staff members in the performance of their duties.

            2.      Utilizing the services provided by specialist personnel.

            3.      Conducting faculty meetings.

            4.      Directing a program of in-service education.

            5.      Working with individual staff members to promote their professional growth.


    C.     The School Plant


            1.      Checking regularly on the use and upkeep of the plant.

            2.      Assessing the adequacy of the facilities in the light of changing needs.


    The principal is the chief interpreter of the school program an he/she does this through agencies and media such as:


    A.     Student handbooks.

    B.     Assemblies.

    C.     School papers.

    D.     The public address system.

    E.     Teachers handbooks.

    F.     Bulletins.

    G.     Faculty meetings.

    H.     PTA groups.

    I.       News media


    The development of productive human relationships as they affect both teachers and pupils is one of the primary objectives of modern education institutions and this has particular application to the problem of liaison between principals and teachers.  Liaison may be maintained by certain formal procedures such as faculty meetings or school bulletins and it may be maintained through certain informal procedures such as conferences initiated by either party.

Organizational Chart

Adobe Acrobat is required to view this chart.  Download free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html )


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Section 200
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Administration 200 JJR
Adopted 11/22/72
Revised 4/11/74, 8/13/81, 10/13/83, 7/14/88, 8/13/91, 6/10/01, 7/8/03, 6/2/05 (page 2), 6/12/07 (page 2)